Wednesday, February 16, 2011

We've got a live one!

Baby Gabe is incredibly active! He seems to have become even more active in the last week. He's been very busy in the womb tumbling, kicking, punching, dancing, and practicing his pedal stroke (He's going to be a GREAT cyclist!). He now even wakes Mommy up in the middle of the night to play. His newest thing though is waking me up early in the morning, ready to start his day! He must take after his Daddy and be a morning person.

Gabe has started enjoying green bell peppers again! His current favorite food is keilbasa and peppers on top of rice with teriyaki sauce (A favorite of mine as well). He also really enjoys fruit and pretty much anything spicy (He takes after his Momma in that department). He's very good at getting my attention and I have a feeling that's a permanent trait. Hopefully though after he's born it isn't with kicking and punching. :)

He very much enjoys music. His favorite Pandora station is Rossini. This morning however he kept kicking and kicking me so I put on some Bloc Party and that seemed to calm him down (Really though, I think he just wants attention). He also really enjoys his Daddy reading to him. Our current book is "Hank the Cowdog". We read him "There's a Wocket in my Pocket" to introduce him to the wonderful world of Seuss. Unfortunately that's the only Dr. Seuss book we have right now! So I registered for a bunch. Our color themed only room seems to slowly be turning into a Dr. Seuss theme. Hopefully Gabe likes it! haha

Everything else is pretty boring right now. I finally caved and bought some new shirts. Yay for clothes that fit! Motherhood Maternity has amaaazingly comfortable shirts. I also got a couple of men's t-shirts from Target. SO COMFORTABLE! One of my baby books has little quotes for the different stages of pregnancy and where I am now it says, "Yeah, I'm wearing sneakers with a skirt. Who cares? I'm comfortable!" Truly this is how I feel. I can't borrow my husbands shirts unfortunately like most women, but I think he prefers it that way. I am sure I would stretch his clothes out all awkward like. So I will enjoy NEW clothes and save them for future pregnancies!